Pendampingan Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi Berbasis Website Desa Senggreng Menuju Smart Village
Smart Village, Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi Desa, WebsiteAbstract
The government has initiated the smart village concept as an effort to realize the ideals of a developed Indonesia. Senggreng Village is one of the villages that is trying to create a smart village. Through assistance with website-based village information system governance, it is hoped that it can facilitate the Senggreng Village government to produce a village system to improve digital-based public services with the principle of openness. Implementation of service is carried out by analyzing the stages of the community situation, identifying problems, determining goals, making problem-solving plans and agreements with partners, and determining activity agendas. The service activity agenda includes socialization and delivery of material, website creation training, mentoring, evaluation and follow-up. The results of the activities include the creation of website-based village information system governance, digitalization of information and services, utilization of village websites as a means of promoting and village tourism so that there is an opportunity to collaborate with external parties to develop Senggreng Village as a Smart Village.